Batch load objects using AWS dynamoDBMapper in JAVA

Batch load objects using AWS dynamoDBMapper in JAVA

DynamoDbMapper is an amazing class to abstract out a lot of operations for AWS DynamoDb. But this library is not well documented. Here is an example of how to batchLoad objects using dynamoDBMapper in JAVA

List<ArticlesDao> getArticleById(List<LikeDao> likeDaos) {  List<ArticlesDao> articlesDaoList = new ArrayList<>();
  //The primary key for ArticleDao is "articleId"
  for (LikeDao likeDao : likeDaos) {
  //Batch Load this list of objects
  Map<String, List<Object>> batchResult = dynamoDBMapper.batchLoad(articlesDaoList);
  if (batchResult.containsKey(ArticlesDao.TABLE_NAME)
      && batchResult.get(ArticlesDao.TABLE_NAME) != null) {
    List<Object> articles = batchResult.get(ArticlesDao.TABLE_NAME);
    //Convert the list of Objects into "ArticlesDao
    List<ArticlesDao> articlesDaos = (List<ArticlesDao>) (List<?>) articles;
    return articlesDaos;
  return null;

In the above code we are creating a ArrayList, you can also create a HashMap with the object “key” as the hash key for the HashMap.

Map<String, ArticlesDao> getArticlesById(List<LikeDao> likeDaos) {
  Map<String, ArticlesDao> articlesDaoMap = new HashMap<>();
  List<ArticlesDao> articlesDaoList = new ArrayList<>();
  //The primary key for ArticleDao is "articleId"
  for (LikeDao likeDao : likeDaos) {
  //Batch Load this list of objects
  Map<String, List<Object>> batchResult = dynamoDBMapper.batchLoad(articlesDaoList);
  if (batchResult.containsKey(ArticlesDao.TABLE_NAME)
      && batchResult.get(ArticlesDao.TABLE_NAME) != null) {
    List<Object> articles = batchResult.get(ArticlesDao.TABLE_NAME);
    for (Object object : articles) {
      ArticlesDao articlesDao = (ArticlesDao) object;
      articlesDaoMap.put(articlesDao.getArticleId(), articlesDao);
    return articlesDaoMap;
  return null;
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